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In this Privacy Notice, we aim to inform you as transparently as possible how we handle your information.

It is important for us to be able to provide as clear information as possible to our users about how we handle personal information and information derived from the use of our services. On this page, you will find out what information Höganäs Kakel collect, where we use the information, how we handle the information, and what your personal consumer rights are under EU personal data law.


CC Höganäs Byggkeramik AB Customer and Marketing Register

1. Register owner

Name:            CC Höganäs Byggkeramik AB
Org nr:          556100-0752
Address:         Andesitgatan 6,  254 68 Helsingborg
Email address:


2. CC Höganäs Byggkeramik AB registers

  • Customer register
    • Purpose of Processing: Customer Relationship Management, Product Delivery and Billing.
    • Legal ground: Contract
  • Marketing register
    • Purpose of Processing: Enabling Customer Service Requests and Customer Relationship Management.
    • Legal ground: The legitimate interest of the Controller
  • Supplier register
    • Purpose of Processing: Enabling Supplier Service Requests and Supplier Relationship Management.
    • Processing criterion: The legitimate interest of the Controller
  • Web site user (extranet)
    • Purpose of Processing: User Authentication and Provision of Extra Content for Insider Users.
    • Legal ground: Consent

3. Data content of the registers

  • Customer Register:
    • the name of the person
    • contact information (phone number, email address, address)
    • personal customer ID
    • person’s position in the company
    • company or organization name
    • web page address
    • organizational number
  • Marketing Register:
    • the name of the person
    • contact information (phone number, email address, address)
    • person’s position in the company
    • company or organization name
    • web page address
    • organizational number
    • web traffic
  • Supplier register
    • the name of the person
    • contact information (phone number, email address, address)
    • personal supplier ID
    • person’s position in the company
    • company or organization name
    • www page address
    • business identification number
  • Web site insider register:
    • mandatory information: the person’s name and email address
    • additional information: company or organization name, person’s position in the company, IP address, phone number


4.  Data retention time / Duration of processing

  • Höganäs Kakel keep your billing information under the Accounting Act.
  • Forms sent by will be automatically removed six (6) months after the shipment.Our Customer and Marketing Register removes unnecessary personal information every six (6) months.


5. Regular sources of information

The information to be stored in the register is obtained from the customer himself or herself, by email, by phone, by contract, by customer meetings, by forms or events.


6. Regular disclosure of information and transfer of data outside the EU or the European Economic Area

Information is not ordinarily disclosed outside the company, joint ventures or group. Information will not be released outside the EU or the European Economic Area. We have ensured that all of our service providers comply with the privacy laws. We use secure data centre locations in Sweden or Europe. The data can be selectively assign the controller a third-party contractor targeted by a marketing campaign. The ownership of the data is not transferred from the controller to a third party, nor is the third party entitled to use the information mandate for wider use.


7. Use of cookies

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file to be sent to and stored on a user’s device, enabling the web site administrator to identify frequently visiting visitors on the site, to facilitate visitors signing in to the pages, and to enable composer information to be generated from the visitors. Cookies also allow us to look at and track the interests of our users and thus develop our website. All collected information is anonymous, and online activities can´t be linked to a particular person. Cookies do not hurt user´s computers or files. We use them so that we can provide our customers with information and services tailored to each individual need.

If our site does not want us to access the above information with cookies, most web browsers allow cookie activity to be disabled. This usually happens through the browser settings. However, it is good to note that cookies may be necessary to ensure that some of the pages we maintain and the services we provide are working properly.

This site has a Google Ads cookie that targets marketing through a list of users in Google’s advertising networks. The user can not be identified on the basis of the information to be included in the cookie. If you wish, you can block a Google AdWords marketing based on user lists at


8. Registered Rights

You have the following rights to access your requests in person at CC Höganäs Byggkeramik AB or by sending an e-mail to:

Amendment of Law
You have the right to check the personal information you have saved. If you notice any inaccuracies or omissions in your data, you can ask us to correct or supplement the information correctly.

Restriction for the company
You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal information if you feel that we have processed your personal data illegally or that we are not entitled to deal with some of your personal information.

Direct marketing ban
You may at any time have the right to deny us access to your information for direct marketing. We never sell or otherwise disclose your personal information to other people so that they may direct direct-marketing to you.
We acquired online advertising for example. Facebook and Google. These companies are not allowed to access your personal information, and that advertising is not about direct marketing but is based on cookies. See the Cookies section for more details.

The right to remove data
In certain situations, you have the right to ask us to remove your information. We will remove your information at your request unless the law requires us to keep them for example for accounting purposes.

Right of appeal
We hope you are in touch with us if you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal information. If you are not satisfied with the answers you receive, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.


9. Protection of the registry

Safe handling of your personal information is important to us. We use the following safeguards to ensure the security of your information.

  • Entering the system requires entering a username and password.The system is also protected by firewalls and modern security solutions.
  • The information contained in the registry stored in the system is accessible to, and is only authorized to use, certain pre-determined registrar employees.
  • The use of the registry is protected by user-specific passwords, passwords and access rights.
  • The registers are located on servers in the machine room where access to unauthorized persons is blocked.
  • The information contained in the register is located in locked and secured spaces.
  • Registries are regularly backed up.

We will report any security threats and potential security breaches to the authorities or the user in accordance with applicable law. We may also temporarily close our services to protect your personal information.